Monday, May 21, 2007

Message from Kaitlyn

We are coming up to nine months without Kaitlyn -- some days it seems like forever and some days is seems like yesterday. I have been asking her to let me know that she is around a lot lately. I didn't think she was listening to me.

We are moving out of offices this week and we are in the middle of cleaning up seven years of stuff -- while going through one of my old message pads I came across this priceless message:

I LOVE YOU too Kaitlyn -- I just miss her so much.


Mere said...

What a beautiful message! I think you were meant to see that!


Anonymous said...

I was making notes for my class for the crop last night and wondered if you had anything that said "mom" in her handwriting on it. I plan on talking about the importance of us leaving little bits of ourselves for our loved ones to find. Hope you dont mind if I mention this note from Kaitlyn.

As always, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

*** hunzer *** said...

This post gave me chills. What a beautiful gift from Kaitlyn. Hugs!

sue @ postcards from paradise falls said...

that made me tear up... (((hugs))) i'm so glad you found that.

Jen Gallacher said...

We are in the same situation right now: aching for some sign that Joey is still with us. What a wonderful way for your dd to reach out to you! Your post gives me hope.

Anonymous said...

I found your site in March when I discovered my son was using air duster and 4 months into this I feel like I am running in a vicious circle. He gets caught and says either it is not mine or I wasn't doing it. I have taken everthing he has away from him and when I think he has showed me he will do better we are back at square one with this. Help I don't know what to do!!!!!