Thursday, January 01, 2009


I read Ali Edwards blog every day. She has a project where you pick a word for 2009. At first I went through the list she posted and while the words had meaning -- none of them "spoke" to me - they just did not feel right.

Last night we spent NYE with some great friends - we had a wonderful time just laughing and talking to both old and new friends - GREAT TIME.

I always feel sad when the new year begins because it just seems we are getting further away from Kaitlyn -- and last night was not exception - as we were saying goodbye to 2008 and welcoming 2009 the sadness came BUT I also had the inspiration for my focus and word -


I am hanging on to resentments that I need to let go - I need to forgive these people in my heart for ME - for ME to be able to fully heal my heart.

I am going to work very hard to do this in 2009 - so I can truly honor Kaitlyn in a way that she would be happy - she had a heart of gold and would want me to forgive -especially her friends - I can hear her now "MOTHER you need to let it go" -

that is what I am going to do - let it go and forgive -

Happy New Year to all of you :)



Mere said...

Happy New Year!

Love, Mere

Ivana Clay said...

I just came across your blog from 2p's and I have to say it has brought me to tears. You have an incredible story and you are soooo very brave for sharing it. I want you to know that even though I don't know you personally you have touched my life and reminded me that every moment I have with my children is precious. Thank you!

dannigirl said...

that is a great word to choose.

glitzen said...

Forgiveness is a very hard thing for me, I don't know why. I try to get around it by forgetting small things, and holding on to big things, I guess.
You have given me a good word for myself, for this year. I need to go in that direction, even if its just baby steps for now.